Representative Cases
- Settled a case where three misclassified plaintiffs opted out of a wage and hour class action settlement, and pursued some of the same claims as well as some additional ones. While there was no dispute that the plaintiffs were non-exempt, there was a significant dispute regarding how many hours of overtime was actually worked. Despite problems relating to the fact that the three individual plaintiffs were going to get substantially more than the “class members,” the case was resolved.
- Resolved a case against a large energy company brought by a highly compensated director of global sales who claimed to have been misclassified as exempt. Plaintiff claimed that over fifty percent of his duties were non-exempt, and that he was not an outside salesperson because he was working at his home office.
- Mediated and settled over 250 cases involving a wide variety of alleged wage and hour violations, including failure to provide required meal and rest periods, failure to pay overtime, forced work off the clock, misclassification of non-exempt employees, failure to provide accurate itemized pay stubs, failure to pay wages when due and after ending of employment, waiting time penalties, failure to pay minimum wage, failure to reimburse for work related expenses, and more.