Representative Cases
- Resolved a case involving a senior executive who had a written term employment agreement that provided for very significant severance in the event the executive was terminated without cause. The executive was terminated for alleged fraud, and was not paid severance. The executive denied any fraud, and alleged that no investigation was ever conducted by the company.
- Settled a case regarding a senior executive for a large entertainment studio. The executive had a written contract stating that his duties covered both domestic and international matters. Within the first year of the contract, the studio limited the executive’s duties to domestic only. The executive claimed this was a breach of the “duties” provision in his contract.
- Settled a case involving a senior executive with a multi-year employment contract wherein she could only be terminated with cause. In what was a fairly ambiguous “for cause” provision, the company terminated the executive when she was convicted of a DUI unrelated to her work.
- Resolved a case for an employee who allegedly had an oral contract that the company was in the process of implementing a profit-sharing plan, that he would be participating in it, and that it would be in place within three months of the employee’s start date. The company never implemented the plan.